Monday 29 August 2016

The Hidden Benefit of Consuming Dragon Fruit

If you want to add your knowledge about the hidden benefit of consuming dragon fruit, then you'll want to read this article. Specifically we'll discuss about the nutrition fact and the reason why we need to eat dragon fruit. After reading this article you should be able to consider about eating dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit or also named pitaya is a fruit that has commonly dark red color, pink, or yellow. The skin normally covered in scales and inside is the consumable part with red or white color. Depend on the species, it can be sweet or sour. The ordinary form of dragon fruit is commonly smaller than a cantaloupe (a type of melon), red or white colored, and covered with spiky skin.

Essential to keep the skin blustery and solid is no other than antioxidant. Its function to get rid of free radicals that exist in our body that is known as the cause of cancer is very effective for our health. Thanks to Vitamin C as it has made an excellent source of antioxidant.

Dragon fruit has carotene. It is connected to many anti-carcinogenic characteristic such as the capability of decreasing many kind of tumors. Also, there exists lycopene that gives the red color in dragon fruit, it is revealed to have a relationship to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. A study published in 2011 in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention revealed that lycopene consumption of less than 2,498 mcg/day raised prostate cancer risk, while a greater consumption of fruits, vegetables, and foods that is rich in lycopene, including active physically, can lower the risk significantly.

The journal of Pharmacognosy Research is shown that dragon fruit had a worth impact on the oxidative stress from aortic stiffness in diabetic rats. This recommends to consume dragon fruit regularly which can worthwhile to prevent diabetes what also a part of common issues nowadays.
Immunity booster is found in the dragon fruit. The high level of vitamin C has made the immune system in our body boosted, at the same time, also stimulated the activity of existed antioxidants. Aside for vitamin C, another substances such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin, and fiber also help improving our immune system function.

Here is the video I recommended to watch in order to know more about the health benefit of dragon fruit :

In the end, consuming dragon fruit is very good for our health because of its nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that can prevent us from cancer, the capability of decreasing many kind of tumors, prevent diabetes, and immunity booster. So, why does not include dragon fruit in your daily menu?