Monday 29 August 2016

The Secret Health Benefits of Watermelon

If you want to know about the secret health benefits of watermelon, then you'll want to read this article. Specifically we'll discuss nutrition and health benefit of consuming watermelon. After reading this article, you should be able to consider watermelon for your daily menu.

Amazing Definition of Watermelon

Watermelon is originated from southern Africa which named scientifically as citrullus lanatus. It is have a good relationship with cantaloupe melon, pumpkins, cucumber, and zucchini. Watermelon what is sliced has a red flesh and surrounded by a hard peel that is usually green and dark green stripes. Besides, it also exists various watermelon with white, orange, yellow, and green flesh whereas generally contains many small seeds or seedless varieties.
This large fruit, watermelon, consists of approximately 91 percent water. So, it is mostly water. Watermelon contains with nutrients that every bite of it has prominent level of vitamins such as vitamins B6, C, and A, plenty lycopene, antioxidant, and amino acid. Consuming watermelon (includes watermelon juice) undoubtedly has many health benefit such as reducing muscle soreness and lowering blood pressure.

Nutritions of Watermelon

Generally, raw watermelon in 100 grams serving contains 3% vitamin A, 9% vitamin C, 3% vitamin B1, and many others nutrients. Watermelon is soaked with beta-carotene which is turned into vitamin A in the human body. Vitamin C 9% is an antioxidant that is important for immune function and skin health. Moreover, watermelon has 2% potassium in 100 grams serving, an essential mineral for blood pressure control and heart health.

Secret Health benefit of Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in lycopene which the highest level of it is in type of fresh produce. Lycopene is a phytonutrient. This compound is naturally occurring in vegetables and fruits. It will take effect to our body to motivate healthy reaction. Lycopene has been connected with heart and bone health, and prostate cancer precaution. It is also an antioxidant that is, according to Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the Fitness Institute of Texas at The University of Texas at Austin, considered to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Watermelon is popular with its dietary source of the amino acid citruline. Its highest quantity is located in white grind that surrounds the flesh. In the body, citrulline is turned into the important amino acid arginine. These compounds play significant role in the synthetic of nitric oxide then aids to reduce blood pressure by stretched and relaxing our blood vessels.
Nitric Oxide (NO) is produced with help of citrulline that is converted into arginine in our body. Nitric oxide is a gas molecule what makes the tiny muscles surrounded in the blood vessels to relax and stretch. This activity aids to reduce blood pressure.

Watermelon is rich in vitamin A which is excellent for your skin. Vitamin A aids to maintain skin and hair moisturized. The Cleveland Clinic is also motivated healthy growth of new collagen and elastin cells.

It is advisable to drink watermelon juice before an intense workout because it aids to reduce the next day muscle soreness and heart rate from occurring. According to a study in 2013 that is published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, this can be attributed to watermelon's amino acids citrulline and arginine, which aid improve circulation in our body.

Want to know more about the benefit, then I recommend you to watch this video about the secret health benefit of watermelon :

As a conclusion, watermelon has several essential nutrients such vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. By consuming watermelon helps our body to motivate healthy reaction, reducing blood pressure by stretched and relaxing our blood vessels, maintain our skin and hair moisturized, and reducing the chances of muscle soreness after doing intense workout. So, after reading this, I hope you could consider to include watermelon in your daily menu.