Saturday 27 August 2016

The Hidden Health Benefit of Black Tea

If you want to learn know about the hidden health benefit of black tea, then you'll want to read this article. Specifically we'll discuss the nutrition and the benefit of consuming black tea. After reading this article, you should have no doubt to consume black tea regularly.

Black tea is no different because the plant is same as green tea and oolong tea but what makes it different is that black tea oxidizes longer than green tea and oolong tea. Black tea is known for having stronger flavor than its friends (oolong tea and green tea) because its ability to store its flavor for many years. Black tea also, in most cases, is blended with other ingredients such as bergamot oil, cinnamon, lemon, milk, sweetener or any other species to create a new kind of tea such as earl grey tea and chai tea.

Black tea generally contains antioxidants and caffeine. It would be better to immerse in boiled water and for black tea that has turned into tea bag, the best method is to steep it for a several minutes. For your information, whole leaf of black tea can be immersed in boiled water for about five minutes without becoming bitter. Talking about culture, some of it have special rituals related to the brewing and serving of tea.

Black tea is undoubtedly popular for its therapeutic ability and many health benefit that you might not know yet. Here is the benefit of black tea:

Regularly in consuming black tea can help to remedy the coronary artery dysfunction for patients with heart ailment. Because of the habit of drinking black tea regularly, they are in a condition of lowered risk of contracting cardiovascular disease.

Generally, asthmatic status can be relieved with consuming hot and brewed liquid. Knowing this fact, it is not astonishing that the black tea has the benefit for patient with asthmatic illness, as the benefit that can expand the air passage and by means of that the patient is allowed to breather more relaxed and easily.

American Heart Association in New Orleans in its study said that the people who drink black tea can help reducing the human’s bad cholesterol levels, which the bad cholesterol is known as factor that responsible for heart strokes and fatal attacks. It also said that the people who consume black tea about 3 to 4 cups a day will gain a lower risk for heart problem than those who drink no tea at all or at least consume minimal amounts only.

Women should consume black tea as it helps them to prevent the growth of cancerous matter in the breasts, this condition occurs specially for women in pre-menopausal periods. As we know, tea helps raising globulin hormones during cycle of female menstruation period. Abnormal cells in the human body is exterminated by the presence of theaflavins in black tea before it turns into cancerous cell or bigger damage.

Want to know more? Watch this video about top 10 benefits of black tea :

Now for the conclusion, black tea has beneficial impacts for our health such as for high cholesterol, breast cancer, heart ailment, and asthmatic illness. Therefore, consuming black tea regularly is advisable to be a habit.